The WordPress Theme


Item Updated

* (11/24/2010) v 1.0.1. – theme version has been updated, a small (CSS Style) bug has been found, logo haven’t worked for IE7 IE8 . If you purchased theme before 11/24/2010 6:00am GMT 0 please re-download theme file and replace your old header.php to new file header.php or contact me via email for more information.


Columbia Corporate Theme is a WordPress Theme with an integrated members area, best suited for business, corporate and service websites in 5 different unique styles.

Theme Has 5 Color Varations:
Theme comes with 5 premium skin options or make your own skin using sliced PSD files.

* Skin 1
* Skin 2
* Skin 3
* Skin 4
* Skin 5

Note: Link “Skin 2”, “Skin 3”, “Skin 4” and “Skin 5” is link to HTML /CSS Site Template it’s not link to “WordPress Theme” but “WordPress Theme” has the same Skin Colors like “Site Template”.

Theme Features:

8 Template Pages:

* Home Page Template
* Product Template
* Product List/Category Template
* Product Item Template
* Portfolio Template
* Contact Page Template
* Full Widht Page Template
* About Page Template

* Includes an XML file that enables you to import dummy data.
* WordPress v3 Menus(dropdown menu and sidebar menu)
* Highly customizable “Custom Admin Panel” for home page, product page, top sliding panel, members area, contact form and even for footer.
* Custom widgets, displaying all default WordPress widgets and “members login area” widget

7 jQuery Effects:

* jQurryTOOLS Scrollable Slider
* Web-Kreation Sliding Panel
* Background Image Animation
* Simple jQuery Dropdown
* PrettyPhoto Lightbox Clone
* AJAX and PHP Contact Form
* Google map

5 WordPress Plugins:

* WP-Memebrs WordPress Plugin (intergrated to theme)
* WP-sIFR WordPress Plugin (intergrated to theme)
* Widget Logic WordPress Plugin (intergrated to theme)
* WordPress Post Pagination Plugin (intergrated to theme)
* Breadcrumb NavXT WordPress Plugin

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