The WordPress Theme


Fruitdiet is a 3 columns fixed width WordPress theme with an easy to use theme options. This theme is best use on health related niche. Some of the features available on this theme are header quick tips, custom header image, website logo insertion ready, customize page and category navigation, featured articles display on homepage, auto excerpt and auto thumbnail function (you can choose to enable Timthumb or use the default image thumbnailing).

Besides that, there are also some added features on this theme’s widgets such as Twitter ready, Youtube embed video, advertisement blocks, recent comments with gravatar, hot topics and more.

The Timthumb feature on this theme enable you to choose your cropping method, i.e topcenter, leftcenter, topleft, etc. This function was implemented because the default Timthumb sometime didn’t crop image properly, for example missing part of head after cropping, now you can set it up the crop by topcenter for better image thumbnail.

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