The WordPress Theme


Perfect for any kind of website from a simple portfolio to a corporate website. Easy to set through its powerful admin panel.

* Valid XHTML Strict and CSS
* Powerful admin
* Portfolio custom post type
* 6 cufon fonts ready to use
* Special characters support * éèàçùôûîêâáéíóúñÑÁÉÍÓÚ
* Slideshow
* 5 Predefined colors for the content bg area (beige, white, black blue and gray)
* 1 Sprite file for the whole site graphic elements
* PSD files included
* JQuery functionality
* Shortcodes
* Working contact form
* Twitter feedback
* 68 + Social icons
* Compatibility (IE 7 , IE 8 , Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)

* Some characters may not display on different font-face

Version 1.1 Feb, 17 2011

* Twitter display fixed
* Toggle slideshow overlay visibility
* FIxed shortcodes
* Fixed next and prev navigation for blog and portfolio
* added the missiong 404 page
* Added all layouts to psd image file
* Added a configurable “Archives” template
* Fixed bullet display
* Added an XML file to feed newly added sites

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