The WordPress Theme

Stylish Church

Churches need to have an effective web presence in order to communicate with members and attenders as well as to attract new visitors. The problem is that most churches are working with very limited budgets when it comes to having a website designed or developed. This free theme can help out by giving your church an attractive and effective web presence on a shoestring budget.

Theme features include:

This free theme has everything your church needs for an effective website. First, choose from four different color schemes to get a site that matches your church’s identity (screenshots or alternate color schemes are at the end of this page).

Your home page will include a slider that can be easily customized from the WordPress dashboard. Without touching any code you can upload new images for slides, (optionally) set any of the images to link to a specific page when clicked, and set the transition effect between slides. The slider is a great way to promote upcoming events, special programs or initiatives, a current sermon series. or anything else that needs exposure.

Every church website needs some type of upcoming events list or calendar functionality. This theme allows you to enter events and they will displayed chronologically in order of the event date. As the date and time passes, the event will automatically disappear from the list so you won’t need to constantly update the site manually after each event.

At the top of the site’s header there is an area for custom text, intended to be used to display the time of your services. Enter your church’s address in the WordPress dashboard and it will automatically create a link to the map and directions from Google Maps.

The theme includes a custom post type for audio media files, so it’s easy to add sermon audios to your site. And more importantly, it’s easy for visitors to listen to them right on your site. We recommend using a service like Amazon S3 to host audio files so they do not put a strain on your hosting account, although this is not necessary depending on your host and the size of your files.


Alternate Color Schemes:

Published May 24th, 2012 by Steven Snell

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