Wiredrive Classic is designed to work with the Wiredrive Player plug-in (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wiredrive-player/ ) to create an out-of-the-box, rich-media websites, pre-pro books and more. Features include body container and menu layout options; point-and-click customization of element colors, fonts and text sizes; simple website tracking code integration; Google Fonts; simple footer creation. Samples of Wiredrive Classic as a pre-production book: http://labs.wiredrive.com/themes/classic-sample1/ and company website: http://labs.wiredrive.com/themes/classic-sample2/. Wiredrive is a media sharing, management and presentation platform used by creative professionals. Wiredrive replaces out-dated technologies, such as DVDs and FTP, for reviewing, approving and presenting work. More information at http://www.wiredrive.com.
Version : 1.0.4