BASE2 is a fully responsive HTML5 / CSS3 WordPress theme.
Responsive simply means the site will respond to the device it is being viewed on, give it a try, scale down your browser window and watch the theme react accordingly.
This means you have one theme that is viewable on large browsers, small browsers, iPads, Tablets, iPhones and mobiles!
BASE2 comes with lots of extra’s built-in, unlimited image slider which can have each slide linked to anywhere, un-branded options panel, unlimited colors, a choice of custom backgrounds, custom widgets in the footer and sidebar, built-in AJAX contact form with validation, CSS scaffolding, custom classes, tons of shortcodes and more!
This theme has everything you need to create any type of site viewable on any device!
Features Include:
* Unlimited Base Colors
* Multiple Backgrounds
* Custom slider managed via custom post types
* Unlimited slides with any content, linkable anywhere!
* Every single Google font
* Portfolio Template
* Custom Typography Options
* Social Integration
* Built-in Twitter Widget
* WordPress 3 menu compatible
* Lots of built-in WordPress shortcodes for easy styling
* Built-in jQuery/AJAX contact form with validation
* Google analytics
* Fully localized inc .mo/.po files
plus tons more!