The WordPress Theme

Candy Shoppe WordPress Theme

This Theme Price Is Only $32 USD

Blog Description:
Designed with a dash of simplicity, a pinch of minimalism, and a healthy helping of elegance, candySHOPPE is a WordPress theme for web apps, web services and web products featuring super clean, legible and semantic code that’s extensively documented and therefore very sexy!

As it can be easily edited and modified, it can be a basis for your web app, web service or product. Plug & Play™ or dig right in to the well commented code, hack it up, and make it your own!
Demo all three syles

candySHOPPE | candy
candySHOPPE | candy

candySHOPPE | sunset
candySHOPPE | sunset

candySHOPPE | mint
candySHOPPE | mint
third party scripts used:

jQuery (version 1.4.2)
JQuery Tweet (lightweight twitter functionality)
JQuery Colorbox (version 1.3.6)
JQuery validation plugin (version 1.7)
jQuery Nivo Slider (version 2.0)


Style features:
3 distinctly different styles (edit working files to add more styles)
custom page templates
elegant, intuitive theme options
jQuery & PHP enhancements:
Colorbox (lightbox)
Working Contact form with server-side and client-side validation
Lightweight “latest tweet” functionality. (just plug in your username)
Coding & Documentation:
Cross-browser compatible (common modern browsers)
Semantically coded
Well commented and documented code. (x)HTML guide included

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