Easy is a great Magazine WordPress Theme that offers a clean design and neat code. The rich theme admin panel and widgets enable you to control over your content, manage your advertisment, show your latest tweet, video, photos and much more.
Theme Features:
* Valid HTML 5 Tableless Design
* Responsive Design with CSS3
* 5 Widgets Area
* 5 Custom widgets :
o Tabbed content
o Latest tweets
o Latest Flickr photos
o Advanced recent posts
o Video widget
* Extensive theme options
o Image or plain text logo support
o Featured slider configuration
o and much more..
* WordPress 3.0 support
o Custom menu with pre 3.0 fallback
o Featured image/Post thumbnail support
o Post format
* Extensive Documentation
* Full Support
I’ve used the following images, icons or other files as listed.
* jQuery – John Resig – jquery.com
* Yoast Breadcrumbs plugin from Joost de Valk
* Images on theme demo are licensed as creative commonD Sharon Pruitt.
Please comment to ask question about this theme or send email to contact at plus62 dot me. And follow my twitter @anggunpribadi for theme updates and other informations.