The WordPress Theme


Our Review: Vital | Minimal Blogging & Portfolio Theme

Vital is a two column, two color blogging and portfolio wordpress theme. This theme create by “miguras“. The Vital has been created May 7, 2013. Vital very suitable for any kind of user. User can customize background colors, page layouts, fonts, sizes, areas, and much more. This theme is responsive design. Also this theme has powerful admin Panel, Special areas, Shortcodes manager, Single page customization, 600+ Google fonts and more. Vital’s price is reasonable, Only $39.

Vital is a Minimal Vanguard Personal WordPress Theme suitable for any kind of user.

With Vital Theme you could customize background colors, page layouts, fonts, sizes, areas, and much more. Every added option was thought with the main idea of personalize the website in an easy way, providing a unique design to every customer.

Theme Features

  • Powerful Admin Panel: Easy to use. Lets you customize the general aesthetics of the website.
  • Metaboxes Everywhere: thought to provide a better control of every single page. Used for adjust design and content.
  • Portfolio Manager: Manage and show your work.
  • About Me Manager: Manage your Public profile with meta info, social icons, and more .
  • Special Areas: The theme includes two special areas, pre-content and post-content, to provide a better control of a page presentation
  • Shortcodes Manager: Unique Shortcodes with a powerful Visual Manager.
  • Custom Sidebars: Add all the desired custom sidebars.
  • Widgets: Five widgets Areas and custom Widgets
  • Single Page customization: Change backgrounds, colors, sizes in every page.
  • Google Fonts: 600+ Google Fonts
  • Premade Contact Template:At the admin Panel, you could use the premade options to construct the contact template.
  • Unlimited Colors
  • Responsive Design: Adaptive to every available dispositve



Available Shortcodes

Every Shortcode support nested Shortcodes

  • FX_Columns: Layout Maker. You could combine diferent sizes.
  • FX_News: Could display news about every king of post/page or custom post types. Highly customizable
  • FX_Titles:
  • FX_Buttons: Buttons with optional icons
  • FX_Featuredbox: Premade Box to highlight media
  • FX_Promobox: Call to action Premade Box
  • FX_Iconbox One & Two: Box with icons in two diferent styles
  • FX_Carousel: Display images as carousel
  • FX_Highlight: Highlight text
  • FX_Divider: Horizontal Divider in three styles
  • Tabs And Toggles

Available Widgets

  • Latest Posts With thumbnail
  • Latest Tweets
  • Flick Widget
  • Social Icons
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