The WordPress Theme

Display 3 in 1

DISPLAY is a WordPress Theme, best suited for Business and Portfolio sites. It comes with a fantastic 3D Image slideshow that can be controlled from your backend with a custom tool. The Theme has a huge wordpress custom backend (8 additional Admin Pages) that make customization of the Theme easy for those who dont know much about coding or wordpress.

Display also has 3 Fantastic skins to choose from:
(The dark and minimal preview are only html previews, just to show you how it looks like. Of course there are fully functional WordPress skins included within this theme)

* display light
* display dark
* display minimal

The 3D image slider is editable without the use of flash. you can add and remove slides, change the order, change transitions with the help of a backend .

The Theme also comes with a more subtle fading image slider. You can use this slider as your main slider, otherwise it will be used as a fallback if the users browser doesnt support flash. Take a look at the second image slider here:

* display light – alternate slider

Key features of the template:

* Valid XHTM Strict1.0 and CSS 2 .1, tableless Design
* Multiple Page templates:
o Index Page with 3D Slider
o Index Page with jQuery Slider
o Static Page
o Blog Overview Page
o Blog/Portfolio Single Page
o Portfolio Overview
o Contact Page
o Full Width Page
o Error pages, archives etc etc
* jQuery Support:
o 2 different Portfolio/Item slider, supporting unlimited items
o Dropdown Menu, improved with jQuery
o jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
o Gallery Page with lightbox
o Working ajax/php contact form
* Huge admin area to customize the theme from your WordPress backend. (take a look at the screenshots to see some of the options)
o Menu Manager
o Slideshow Manager
o Additional Preview Picture section on write post/page panel
o Different Widget Area for every Page
o and many more… (8 option Pages for easy customization included)
* All PSD files I used are included for easier modification
* Extensive Documentation Included

External scripts and resources used:
Social Bookmark Icons
drf icon set
Cu3er by Stefan Kovac
lightbox plugin
logo font: Museo

Version History
Version 1.3
This is a bugfix release that solves the problem with Admin Menu not displaying: please re download the theme from your accounts download tab if you are encountering this problem
Version 1.2: Update: 20. 12. 2009
Version 1.1: Update: 14. 12. 2009:

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