Total Download: 29/5188
Theme Features
Origami Details:
Theme Features:
* Homepage featuring a slider, message box, featured posts area, posts by category, and Twitter feed
o Three slider options: full width slider with images only (images span the width of the browser window), normal width slider with text (supports both video and images), Nivo jQuery slider with images only
o Message box with button
o Featured posts area with four layout options: 2 sticky posts and recent posts feed, 3 sticky posts, 4 sticky posts, custom content
o Category tabs with four recent posts per tab
* Uses TimThumb script to automatically resize images in the homepage slider
* Cufon font replacement with 23 fonts to choose from
* Custom background color options and nine custom background patterns
* Color picker on demo site
* About Author box on posts
* 9 page templates:
o Default template
o Blog listing page with large featured images
o Blog listing page with small featured images
o Blog listing page with full page-width images
o Contact us page with contact form and custom sidebar
o Portfolio page with the choice of one, two, three or four columns (separate templates)
o Redirect to External URL page
o Testimonial page with images
o Testimonial page without images
* Custom post options:
o My Portfolio: features text, images or video as portfolio items that can be organized and filtered by user-created skill categories
o Testimonials: features testimonial quotes and images
* Custom theme options that help you easily set up:
o A custom logo
o Background colors and patterns
o Button colors
o Font colors
o Cufon font replacement (23 font options)
o Breadcrumbs
o The homepage’s slider, message box, featured posts area, and Twitter feed
o The footer
o Google Analytics
o Custom content
* Custom Meta Box for pages that support slider data images and video
* Eleven custom widgets:
o Contact form
o Search box
o Banner ads
o Flickr feed
o Newsletter subscription form
o Popular posts
o Recent posts
o Twitter feed
o Twitter feed with social links
o Contact info with Google map
o Footer links
* Custom footer widget area for up to four widgets
* Supports WordPress 3.0 menus
o Two menus: main navigation and footer links
* Fly-out menus for multi-level navigation
* Breadcrumbs navigation
* Over 50 shortcodes:
o Boxes (messages, alerts, text boxes)
o Headers
o Drop caps
o Featured quotes
o Fancy links
o Tooltip pop-up box
o Buttons (three sizes, 18 colors)
o Columns: full-width, half, one-third, quarter, two-thirds, three-quarters
o Feature lists
o Pricing grids (18 colors)
o Image/video options use pretty photo to display the image/video in a modal box
o Galleria gallery
* Includes PSD files
* Extensive documentation with screenshots
FTC Disclosure: Some of the links of this website are "affiliate links." This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission.
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