Theme Features
Mio WP Theme Details:
Mio WordPress e-Commerce theme by Splashing Pixels
Mio is a FREE theme that is elegantly designed inspired by Apple and it is available for BOTH WordPress e-Commerce (3.8+) by AND WooCommerce by Woothemes. There is no need for switching themes as Mio will intelligently detect what cart you’re using and present the correct features. You can download a FREE copy of the WPEC plugin here OR download a FREE copy of the WooCommerce plugin here.
If you’re looking to open up an online shop and start selling your wonderful products, look no further as this e-Commerce theme is for you! It is not only a WordPress theme to look like a shop, but a fully WordPress e-Commerce plugin integrated theme. This means you will get all the enchanced e-Commerce related functions.
Click here to see WPEC plugin Demo
Click here to see WooCommerce plugin Demo
Mio Unique Features:
- Will work on both WPEC and Woocommerce carts
- Homepage customizable slider
- Fully widgetized footer for 1,2,3,or 4 columns
- Flexible 1 column 2 column shop layout
- Ships with 2 skins to choose from.
- Fully widgetized sidebars
- *Custom 3 step checkout
- *Custom login system
- Custom Portfolio Pages
- Over 20+ different custom shortcodes to use
- Custom related posts system
- *Custom product rating system
- *Custom multiview system
- Timthumb auto image resize
- Facebook Open Graph Integration
- Customizable navigation menu font/color/size
- *Product grid or list view display
- Splashing Pixels Theme Framework
- Custom promotional widgets with time feature
- Rotating latest blog posts notice
- Random product display
- Comes with PSD
- Mobile ready – responsive
- And more…
Mio Standard Features:
- e-Commerce Design
- Cross Browser Friendly with latest browser versions
- Solid Semantic Coding
- Premium Support Forum
- Free Updates
- WordPress Shortcodes Ready
- Incredible Comprehensive Instructions
*Some features are available with one of the cart systems only.
Theme Control Panel Options
All theme support and questions are FREE for registered members. Please note that we only offer support on our theme and not the e-commerce plugin used as we’re not the developer of those plugins. You can access the support forum by following the steps below.
Simply go to and click on “Sign Up” link on top and signup.
Please refer to this link for all changelogs -> CHANGELOG
Terms & Conditions
Please have a read at our Terms & Conditions