Theme Features
WPress Monster Details:
Clean Design! Using this site, you can easly modifications for your site. This file supports all of languages. it will surely fit your site! Everything is dynamic!
WPress Features
* Can be added unimited portfolio categories
* Can be added unimited news or blog categories
* Can be added image, mp3, swf, videos items
* Search engine optimized
* Full Custom Control with WordPress CMS Admininistrator
* Custom logo field in the theme options
* News ticker settings in the theme options
* Footer can be edited from the theme options (copyright, icons, etc…)
* All Images with jQuery Lightbox
* Cross browser
* Easy to Use and Customize
* 6 Custom Widget Areas
* Nice Cu3er Banner Rotator
* AJAX /PHP contact form with jQuery
* Dropdown menu with jQuery
* Valid XHTML 1 .0 Transitional!
* Fixed (IE8-7-6 & Safari & Firefox2-3 & Chrome & Opera)