Theme Features
Nomnom Details:
Nomnom will help you market your restaurant more efficiently. Say good bye to struggling and hello to a site that’s easy to use.
Online menu Manager
Easily create your restaurant menu using the easy to use interface. Add menu item descriptions, prices and images. You can even select the currency from a list of more than 20 currencies and the symbol will be added.
Geoloaction map
Make it easy for your client to find you. The theme includes a map that can use your clients location to give them directions to reach your business.
Events Calendar
Easily create events using the events calendar. Create a start and end time and date
Responsive Design
Make sure that your clients can access your site from their computer, tablet or phone
Build in reservation form
Clients can easily book a table using the reservation form.
Other Features
Custom Typography
You can customize the typography in the theme to suit. The theme comes bundled with the following google fonts:
- Bree Serif
- Open Sans
- Bevan
- Pontano Sans
- Abril Fatface
- Average
- Playfair Display
- Muli
- Sansita One
- Kameron
- Istok Web
- Lora
- Pacifico
- Arimo
- Nixie One
- Ledger
- Cantata One
- Imprima
- Rancho
- Gudea
- Lobster
- Cabin
- Raleway
- Goudy Bookletter 1911
- Allerta
- Crimson Text
- Arvo
- PT Sans
- Allan
- Cardo
- Molengo
- Lekton
- Droid Serif
- Droid Sans
- Ubuntu
- Vollkorn
- Questrial
- Arimo
- Abel
- Ruda
Styling Options
The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for backgrounds.
Short Codes
The theme comes with a full set of shortcode to make your publishing life easier. Easily insert any of the shortcodes using the shortcode inserter in the page/post editor The following shortcodes are bundled with the theme:
- Buttons
- Alerts
- Columns
- Tabs
- Toggle
- Contact Info