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Vryskut Responsive

Vryskut Responsive

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Theme Features

Vryskut Responsive Details:

Flexible Home Page

Use the simple drag and drop widget system to control your homepage layout, giving you endless possibilities.

Vryskut is packed with flexible homepage options which help you setup the exact look you want for the front page of your site. Best part? They’re just one click away, no coding required.


Online Proposals

Say goodbye to word processors, pdf printers and email clients to send out your proposals. Now you can create proposals with ease using WordPress.The proposals are password protected , so only the assigned client can view them and if you want you can even send them as a HTML Emial.


  • Already formatted , so you won’t have to worry about that
  • Password Protected, so no peeking
  • Easy to use – Use basic WYSIWYG controls in WordPress
  • Add as many items as you need
  • Set the currency of the proposal – includes most of the worlds currencies
  • You can assign multiple disclaimers
  • Send proposal as a HTML Email
  • Client can accept the proposal by clicking a link in the mail they received.
  • Client Area

Have a look at the client area here:

user: client

password: client

Fully Responsive Design

The design will scale to fit on all browser widths/resolutions and on all mobile devices. Go ahead and scale your browser window and see the results.

Powerful portfolio management

The portfolio section of Vryskut is powered by it’s own custom post type with a summary of your portfolio viewable on the homepage module and then it’s 2 portfolio page templates to house the rest.

Custom Post Types

In addition to the portfolio and proposal post types Vryskut has 3 more custom post types:

Testimonials –  Show case the glowing reviews from your clients. This section has its own custom page template as well as a custom widget.

Services – Display all you services on a single page with easy to navigate tabs. This post type also includes a custom widget to show your services on the homepage

FAQ – Quickly setup a FAQ section. The post type comes with its own custom page template


Featured Sliders

Two custom homepage featured posts/portfolio sliders to showcase your important posts or work, all powered by the fully responsive FlexSlider or the fully responsive parallax slider , which makes it usable on mobile devices.

Custom Widgets

In addition to the widgetized homepage and the custom component widget, the theme has 2 widgetized sidebars (normal and contact page) and 3 footer widgetized areas, and as always comes with custom DYWP Widgets (Intro Message,Testimonials,Popular Posts,Twitter,Comments,Login,About Us,Service, 3 Column Page Widget).

Vryskut also has a custom widget page with 3 widget areas, full width, main content and sidebar. See it in action here

Custom Typography

You can customize the typography in the theme to suit. The theme comes bundled with the following google fonts:

  • Bree Serif
  • Open Sans
  • Bevan
  • Pontano Sans
  • Abril Fatface
  • Average
  • Playfair Display
  • Muli
  • Sansita One
  • Kameron
  • Istok Web
  • Lora
  • Pacifico
  • Arimo
  • Nixie One
  • Ledger
  • Cantata One
  • Imprima
  • Rancho
  • Gudea
  • Lobster
  • Cabin
  • Raleway
  • Goudy Bookletter 1911
  • Allerta
  • Crimson Text
  • Arvo
  • PT Sans
  • Allan
  • Cardo
  • Molengo
  • Lekton
  • Droid Serif
  • Droid Sans
  • Ubuntu
  • Vollkorn
  • Questrial
  • Arimo
  • Abel
  • Ruda

Styling Options

The theme includes a variation of alternative styles which you can preview in the demo, and also has styling options for backgrounds.

Short Codes

The theme comes with a full set of shortcode to make your publishing life easier.

Easily insert any of the shortcodes using the shortcode inserter in the page/post editor

The following shortcodes are bundled with the theme:

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