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responsive versatile wordpress theme

Change log

v3.0.2 06/08/2013
  1. Added – possibility to have HTML area on top of index pages
  2. Fixed – fixed media uploader
  3. Fixed – logo image in vertical menu layout
v3.0.1 05/08/2013
  1. Fixed – layout issue when more then one ‘Frontpage’ template page
  2. Fixed – multiple ‘Frontpage’ creator from the option page
  3. Fixed – menu position with Slider Revolution
v3.0 03/08/2013
  1. Added – plugin Slider Revolution, value $15
  2. Added – possibility to have many page type ‘Front Page’
  3. Added – caption on roll over for the isotope elements in the gallery
  4. Added – possibility to have a blog post page without sidebar
  5. Fixed – compatibility with WP 3.6
  6. Fixed – issue with the Welcome message when scrolling
v2.3.7 31/07/2013
  1. Fixed – thumbnails for IE10
v2.3.6 22/07/2013
  1. Added – social icons open to _blank
  2. Fixed – CSS for background
  3. Fixed – cation images
  4. Fixed – HTML of Blog Center template
v2.3.5 18/07/2013
  1. Added – compatibility with Jetpack Photon
  2. Changed – the way the slider shows after the images are loaded
v2.3.4.1 10/07/2013
  1. Fixed – saving bug in portfolio pages
v2.3.4 08/07/2013
  1. Added – full compatibility with SEO Yoast
  2. Fixed – Feature image in blog index and archive
  3. Fixed – header in case no logo is present
v2.3.3 04/07/2013
  1. Fixed – disappeared loader from previous version
  2. Fixed – checkbox bulk actions portfolio posts in backend
  3. Fixed – Safari bug in isotope
v2.3.2 30/06/2013
  1. Improved – performance in blog index
  2. Fixed – Front Page featured media
  3. Fixed – bug for old version of Android
  4. Fixed – html in Blog Center template
v2.3.1 21/06/2013
  1. Fixed – Consistency with oEmbed and Shortocode elements
  2. Fixed – Blog Center Featured HTML structure
  3. Fixed – RIght image size in certain layouts
v2.3 18/06/2013
  1. Improved – Loading performance
  2. Updated – Isotope plugin
  3. Fixed – Background image in devices
  4. Fixed – Pagination when over 10 pages
  5. Fixed – Multiple accordion same page
  6. Fixed – Category pages layout
v2.2.3 02/05/2013
  1. Added: Iconic Font download and install button
  2. Added: css category class of portfolio block in frontpage
v2.2.2 29/04/2013
  1. Added: possibility to have video in homepage slideshow
  2. Fixed: classic blog layout in every type of page
v2.2.1 28/03/2013
  1. Added: Contact map on homepage block
  2. Update: Modernizr to v.2.6.2
  3. Update: Fresco lightbox plugin to v.1.1.5
  4. Fixed: Flickering when scrolling page with fixed element in certain circumstances
  5. Fixed: Mobile flickering with thumbnails
  6. Fixed: Dark style navigation colors
v2.2 08/03/2013
  1. Added: Welcome message in vertical menu
  2. Added: Possibility to nested shortcode inside accordion and tabs
  3. Added: Mouseover thumb fallback for mobile
  4. Fixed: Social icons position in inline menu in some layouts
v2.1.2 06/03/2013
  1. Added: Css Class in frontage masonry for all the post types
  2. Fixed: Blog page image box
  3. Fixed: Gallery collection HTML structure when there is only one item per gallery
v2.1.1 05/03/2013
  1. Fixed: Menu CSS issues
  2. Fixed: Homepage Message problem when scrolling
  3. Fixed: Loader for vertical menu
v2.1 04/03/2013
  1. Added: Vertical menu and one line menu layout
  2. Fix: Footer problem in archive pages
v2.0.5 26/02/2013
  1. Fix: Removed over effect for shortcode
  2. Fix: HTML structure in search module
v2.0.4 21/02/2013
  1. Fix: Possibility to add images as external source
  2. Fix: Problem in IE8 with images added inside blog content
  3. Fix: Minor CSS problems
v2.0.3 15/02/2013
  1. Fix: portfolio items permalink
v2.0.2 13/02/2013
  1. Fixed pagination permalink portfolio items
  2. Fixed slideshow in blog pages
  3. Fixed body classes generation
  4. Small CSS fixes
v2.0.1 12/02/2013
  1. Fixed pagination permalink portfolio items
v2.0 12/02/2013
  1. Added classic blog index with sidebar template
  2. Added slideshow in single posts
  3. Added Bulk Uploader
  4. Added possibility to have Vimeo and Youtube without poster image
  5. Added possibility to have also external link on thumbs
  6. Added custom JavaScript panel
  7. Improved media now support (oEmbed, Flickr iFrames, Swf, Urls, Photobucket, SlideShare, etc)
  8. Auto update function
  9. Fixed fullscreen background on iPad
  10. Fixed Pinterest share
  11. Other minor fix and improvements
v1.4.1 30/01/2013
  1. Bugfix Gallery Collections layout
v1.4 28/01/2013
  1. Added a custom template page for collect galleries
  2. Submenu margin fix
v1.3.1.1 26/01/2013
  1. Fixed some bug with the slideshow
v1.3.1 26/01/2013
  1. Improved the slideshow gallery
  2. Added the possibility to have video without poster in this portfolio layout: Centered, Fixed Sidebar and Fluid Sidebar
  3. Fixed so instagram blog post works on homepage
  4. Fixed Twitter style after change of Twitter API
  5. Added author name in blog index with option in backend
  6. Fixed the slideshow for IE
v1.3 22/01/2013
  1. Improvment of fullscreen slideshow
  2. Blog post filtering
  3. Instragram support image blog post
  4. Added author name in blog index with option in backend
  5. Minor css and bug fixes
v1.2 18/01/2013
  1. Added homepage fullscreen slideshow
  2. Added fullscreen gallery slideshow
  3. Added password protection to any type of posts
  4. Added possibility to have the lightbox thumbnails strip
  5. Fixed favicon from backend
  6. Fixed bug when scrolling short pages
  7. Minor css and bug fixes
v1.1 14/01/2013
  1. Added Infinite Scroll with switch from options
  2. Added Dark stylesheet with switch from options
  3. Added more social links
  4. Minor bug fixes
v1.0.2 12/01/2013
  1. Implemented Child Theme compliance
  2. Added dummy content
  3. Minor bug fixes
v1.0.1 10/01/2013
  1. Minor bug fixes
  2. Added more social links
  3. Added the possibility to backup the backend options

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Blog  Magazine  Gallery  Business  Portfolio  E-Commerce  CMS 

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